Llif / بہاؤ / Flow


09 January - 25 February 2023 Mission Gallery

“Llif/ بہاؤ/ Flow is an over-arching project that encompasses five distinct research initiatives. Five Pakistan based artists, who practise independently of each other, came together specifically to explore cultural connections with five creative practitioners based in Wales. Undertaken digitally, these research initiatives have each developed dynamically differently.

Over the past few months I’ve been having zoom meetings with Zohra, a visual artist, painter and educator from Islamabad, Pakistan. Zohra and I connected because of this project, our two worlds wouldn’t have meet without this project, how cool is that. Zohra showing a great interest in Welsh textiles and wanting to explore the history of textiles. I wanted to see if there were parallels between Wales and Pakistan textiles, be that through pattern, design, material or making.

Meeting a new person through screen was difficult. Zohra was warm, fun, inquisitive and our conversation flowed. We discussed how are lives were similar and yet different, what we made and why, what inspired us, our families and everything in between. We found ways to share images, and we started to see how our creative work could come together.

My ears and eyes pricked up when Zohra started talking about Ralli quilts (traditional quilts handmade by women using techniques such as applique or embroidery) The bold shapes, the small stitches, the mixture of cloth were all familiar to me, but hearing how they were constructed in Pakistan gave me in a new insight.

The work shown at Mission Gallery is a documentation of our work in progress. Zohra and I are still seeing how our creative work will aline. Zohra has shared embroidery pieces, and I’ve started to responded to the images of the Ralli quilts. I look forward to seeing how our creative relationship will develop.


‘Flow | Llif began as a digital collaboration between artists in Pakistan and in Wales. Its continuation will see some of the artists travelling to work alongside each other. 

As part of this, Mission will present an exhibition of new works and findings from the collaborative research of the artists. We will also host a residency at the gallery that will culminate in a public performance in January and will present artists’ events and activities including readings and workshops.

The work being shared in January and February stems from the digital collaborations of the ten artists, their joint research and development of aspects of their creative practices. It is an opportunity to share this new work with our audiences and to invite interaction with our local communities.

The ten artists work together in creative partnerships. Each partnership has been exploring very different areas of practice, including choreography and performance, sound works, textile traditions, 3D filming, poetry and painting.

The participating artists are:

Ayessha Quraishi and Mererid Hopwood

Maheen Zia and Ingrid Murphy

Rameesha Azeem and Eddie Ladd

Shanzay Subzwari and Lauren Heckler

Zohra Amarta Shah and Llio James

Flow continues to be a vehicle for the ongoing research and development of these five artistic collaborations. It is now also supporting the co-creation and co-production of aspects of what has been explored between the Pakistan and Wales based practitioners. 

Mission Gallery is delighted to be facilitating and supporting this exploratory, cross-cultural collaboration.

The project is funded by British Council and is part of the British Council’s Pakistan/UK: New Perspectives programme which marks the 75th anniversary of Pakistan. 


Striking Attitudes : UNDERCOVER | CUDD
