01. It all starts by measuring the warp (the yarn that runs lengthwise). The warp can be as long as you want and is measured out on a warping mill. This allows you to keep tension and make sure that every yarn end is the same length. Spinning the warping mill from top to bottom, measuring one end, and back up measuring the second end…and repeat.

02. Thought it would be interesting to see the process from my hands point of view. When I say that the work is HANDwoven, it really is made by my very own hands. Every piece of every thread slipped through my fingers, building the cloth with these very hands.

03. After measuring the warp, it’s a matter of getting the warp yarns onto the loom. I do this in sections, 2 inches at a time.

04. Each warp yarn has been measured and wound onto the loom, now it’s time to thread the individual warp yarns through a small eye on the heddles. The heddles are suspended onto each shaft; separating the warp and allowing the warp yarns to be lifted. Tech talk, stick with me!

05. The reed (imagine a comb) sits in the beater. Each warp yarn is threaded through the dents in the reed. This separates out the warp to it’s full width of 60 inches.

06. I’m weaving. The warp has been measured, wound onto the loom, threaded through the heddles, then through the reed, tied on and I’m weaving. Here I’ve got the weft yarn wound onto a bobbin and sitting in a shuttle. With each pass/pick, I’m throwing the shuttle form side to side, weaving it’s way through the warp yarns, building the cloth.

Every stage equally important. No haste.




AELWYD Exhibition - Ruthin Craft Centre